Every second of every session is focused on YOU -- your precise goals, learning styles, schedule needs...
private tutoring lessons:....................... 125/hr 250 per 2-hour session
academic applications counseling ..... 175/hr 350 per 2-hour session
Students with similar enough goals to profit from group sessions can form a group to meet their needs:
semi-private lessons:..................... 100/hr (200 per 2-hour session)
trio lessons:................................. 85/hr (170 per 2-hour session)
Quad group ................................ 75/hr (150 per 2-hour session)
5 student group ........................... 65/hr (130 per 2-hour session)
6 student group ........................... 60/hr (120 per 2-hour session)
7 student group ........................... 55/hr (110 per 2-hour session)
8 student group ........................... 50/hr (100 per 2-hour session)
9-12 student group ……………… 45/hr ( 90 per 2-hour session)
13+ student group ………………... 40/hr ( 80 per 2-hour session)
In addition to the discounts that accrue as group size increases,
Private students can benefit from:
Pre-payment for a block of 20 hours (10 2-hour lessons) ………… receive 2 hours FREE – an 11th 2-hour session is included when students pay $2500 before/at the first session – by check or in green cash. This results in a 10% discount.
Pre-payment for a 2nd block of 20 hours merits THREE FREE HOURS (15% discount)
Pre-payment for a 3rd block of 20 hours merits FOUR FREE HOURS (20% discount)
Payment in full, in advance, in GREEN cash for group or 6 or more sessions of private lessons ………….. 5% discount
All students, Private & Group:
Sibling discount of 10% for second, third… family member simultaneously taking lessons. (Family members need not be in the same class. The discount applies to all students after the first in a family, so long as multiple family members are concurrently enrolled in either private or group lessons. )
Group students:
20% discount on private lesson time purchased during the time a group meets.
8th graders:
SSAT pre-payment package (8th graders):
Full Test Prep ........... $2900, pre-paid in full.
Full HS counseling services:
EVERYthing needed for applications to best-fit High Schools (independent, parochial, and/or public)
.............. $2900, pre-paid in full.
Bundle of both SSAT prep & Full HS Applications Counseling:
HS Juniors/Seniors:
SAT/ACT FULL test services:
............................... $3900
EVERYthing (except expert financial advice) needed for applications to best-fit colleges throughout the US ( Private and/or Public colleges and universities: UC, CSU, "Gap Year" programs ...Ivy League, small lib. arts, arts schools, pre-med, arch., etc. )
............................. $3900
Bundle of both SAT or ACT prep & Full College Applications Counseling:
.......................... $7400
Group lessons can not be cancelled or postponed since these times are set for everyone in a group in advance, however, I always include ONE FREE HOUR of PRIVATE instruction ($125 value) in Group rates. Students can use this hour to make up for a missed group session – or in any other way they think best. Group students can also take advantage of reduced rates for as many additional private hours as they like during the entire length of time a group course lasts (one month – one semester, or even longer for some groups). Finally, group fees are much lower than private ones, per hour, so the amount of money lost due to a missed lesson is much less. Students should include thoughts of potential conflicts with group lesson times in the cost-benefit calculus that helps them determine whether private or group lessons fit best.
If Private lesson clients do ever need to change/cancel a session, please give at least 48 hours notice – MORE advance notice, whenever possible. Since I reserve time for individual clients, I often have to turn down requests for tutoring or ask students to come at less than optimal times because ideal session times are booked. With 48+ hours notice, I have time to book an alternate client in the place of someone who needs a change. With less than 48-hours’ notice, unless a client refers a replacement session-user, I have to charge full session fees as reserved time can not be filled on short notice. I never ‘double bill,’ however; so, if, as often happens during particularly busy times of the year, I am able to schedule a new client on short notice, it is very much my pleasure to waive fees for those clients who find themselves unable to make an appt. within the 48 hours non-cancellation period.