Welcome to SFCLS

Courses are starting for the new semester. Click on a link on the left hand links to learn more about individual course descriptions.
I will continue to accept students of all ages for private lessons aimed at meeting and surpassing individual goals.

My goals for this coming school year:
1) Add to the ever-growing list of SFCLS Alumni I help gain acceptance to top H.S. and Universities.
2) Help 100 new students become better writers; 100 discover new math talents, 100 make HUGE improvements on the ACT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, SAT, and SSAT.
3) Finish the last draft of Super Clean Bean.
4) Raise $10,000 as a participant in 2011's AIDS Lifecycle ride, SF-LA to benefit people with AIDS in SF, increase education, reduce rates of new infection.
4a) Pedal every mile of the AIDSride.
4b) Pay my own way while I raise funds from others too.
5) Provide more scholarships for more students than ever before.
6) As always, show all my students how they can become their own best teachers, develop a life-long love of learning, and watch them grow and learn to make their deepest dreams come true.

